"Un tanar implicat este un tanar bogat"

ASOCIATIA DE TINERET ONIX - "Un tanar implicat este un tanar bogat"


This week was football time in Ramnciu Sarat. Sixteen teams and more than 160 players coming from Ramnicu Sarat and 4 other neighbor villages were part of one of the strongest competitions of the year organized in Ramnicu Sarat. The opportunity was created as dissemination activity in BEST project by the project management team together with specialized referees, trainers, volunteers from Onix organization. This event which was free accessed by all the teams represented in the same time a multiplication activity of the project and a strong proof of involvement in local sport life. The competition which was developed between 17-19 september 2014 in Ramnicu Sarat Sports Center produced very interesting and motivating games, at the end of the tournament the big final being played between the best two teams: 1st Place – Luceafarul and 2nd place – New Generation.

The final Ceremony which was developed with the presence of Ramnicu Sarat Vice-Mayor, Mr. Sorin Cirjan, certified the importance of this kind of competitions, of all the messages transmitted through sport and the big impact which is produced by it at local level in better understanding and using of principles as: fair-play, altruism, responsibility, inclusion, all thse being also part of BEST project.

Florin Ceparu – Manager de proiect

Articol realizat in cadrul proiectului BUILD EUROPE THROUGH SPORTS derulat cu sprijin financiar din partea Uniunii Europene in cadrul Programului ERASMUS PLUS, Actiunea cheie 1 – Mobilitati ale tinerilor.



A long string of conclusions can be taken at the end of the mobility but as it follows, I decided to be focused on 10 things which were developed or built at the basic ground of the project:

  1. A better understanding of the importance of the values and principles in sport. In this way each partner prepared a motivational presentation whose aim was to create a strong impact in order to create a strong awareness in the field of relations in sport. So, principles as: communication, fair-play, understanding, self-confidence, responsibility, professionalism, altruism, respect, equality, non-discrimination were addressed and discussed at the end of each day crating a visible influence among the youth who starting with it, understood much better their importance and need.
  2. A strong collaboration between partners thinking that in BEST partnership were involved organizations with a strong and long connection with Onix Association as it was the case of Turkish partner: E-Genclik, and Italian partner Sabbeen Group and on the other hand organizations who were for the first time involved in a project developed by the Romanian partner, as host, in Romania: KANE – Greece, Turisticno Drusvo Zetale – Slovenia and STOWARZYSZENIE MIA – Poland. For them BEST project built not just a success story but new partnerships were established between all NGO’s so at the end of the project each partner applied in his country with a total sum of 10 projects! That means a proof of success, a reality which will be continued in the future and will offer to other youngsters also the possibility to study abroad in order to gain new competences, learn new languages, solve other problems and be part of intercultural groups on ERASMUS PLUS Program.
  3. A better involvement of all partners in the field of sports and strong competences in the field of sport, thinking that during the project were implemented specific sport activities which prepared all the participants to become important future youth leaders in their communities for the problems of sport;
  4. A better collaboration between Ramnicu Sarat municipality and partner NGO’s and future perspectives for organizing of new projects in a common frame. This was developed considering that for the intercultural evenings were invited to participate responsible of local authorities in order to be all the time near the project. Also to local council meeting which took place in the last day of activities which confronted the project participants with the vice-mayor and some local councilors created a strong connection and a valuable experience sharing process which helped also the partner organizations and the municipality and which offered an important guarantee of a continuous support of the municipality also in the field of sport and other interesting fields which address the youngsters coming from partner communities.
  5. A better understanding of a Project management process due to the involvement of all the participants, leaders and connectors from the 6 countries in each step of the project: preparation, exchange, evaluation. Considering that BEST project was oone of the first mobility developed in Europe under ERASMUS PLUS Program, our focus came of a strong involvement of the participants in management process they being part of a complex plan of activities in which they had the chance to play different roles: to prepare, to organize, to be beneficiaries. This frame gave to the participants strong project management competences which will help them to be better involved in the near future why not in project writing process or project management of other projects.
  6. A strong image of ERASMUS PLUS Program in all partner communities first of all thanks to the visibility activities developed by all partners also online and offline. Regarding the outdoor activities in which the participants promoted the project and ERASMUS PLUS details, they produced a strong vision in which concern the advantages of being beneficiary of such a great Program, and also regarding the importance of cohesion, citizenship or inclusion in European Union. Developing thematic discussion in all communities or organizations with local youth and administrations, it was produced a valuable impact and appreciation regarding the involvement of ERASMUS PLUS Program in sustaining youth development and also the involvement of youth in order to implement ERASMUS PLUS Program objectives.
  7. A wonderful intercultural communication between partners and an important understanding of diversity in the collaboration process facilitated by the European connection realized by the mobility during the eight days of activity when the 36 participants had the chance to communicate, to develop new contacts, competences, to achieve new cultural skills and to become altogether promoters of the Multiculturalism values in their local communities and in European Union.
  8. The interest about mass sports was increased due to the involvement of the participants in activities developed in public space, fact which created a real start in which consist the attention offered to the sports also by the participants and citizens, creating in this way true perspectives of promoting sport in the near future through specific strategies, programs, activities initiated and supported by each partner.
  9. The attention/appreciation of non-formal and informal activities as a way of learning which created a success story in which concern learning to learn process was developed. The group understood in this way the differences between school and other institutions as formal ways of development and non-formal and informal tools and methods as a consistent way of capitalization for all the informational basic.
  10. At the end of the project, each participant obtained a Youthpass Certificate and a Romanian national Certificate of competences recognition and on the other side the leaders were rewarded with a Leader Certificate offered by the Romanian partner, all these being used by the leaders and participants in order to certify their competences in organizing, participating, managing and coordinating a European project. As a multiplication result, these certificates will be possibly used in order to get new jobs, to apply for another projects , why not EVS or strategic projects.

Florin Ceparu – Manager de proiect

Articol realizat in cadrul proiectului BUILD EUROPE THROUGH SPORTS derulat cu sprijin financiar din partea Uniunii Europene in cadrul Programului ERASMUS PLUS, Actiunea cheie 1 – Mobilitati ale tinerilor.